At a Glance

Corporate profile

Founded in 1989, Coway is a leading health appliances company specialized in manufacturing and distributing environmental home appliances such water purifier, air purifier, and bidet. With the largest production facilities and R&D center in the industry, we are focusing on developing and supplying products that contribute to healthy and comfortable lives of consumers. We first introduced a new business model called “rental marketing” in Korea in 1998 and has been demonstrating unrivaled competitiveness in market share, customer satisfaction, and brand recognition by offering regular product maintenance and differentiated services to our customers. Moreover, our product lineups have been extended to mattress from existing water purifier, air purifier, and bidet. We are also accelerating overseas business in Malaysia, U.S., Thailand, and China based on the business success in the domestic market. The company was listed on the stock market on August 7, 2001.

Shareholder structure

Domestic institutional investors and others 12.20% Netmarble 25.10%
Foreign investors 61.00% Treasury shares 1.70%

Stock Information

Current price (KRW) 61,100 (200 / 0.33%)
Trading volume (shares) 106,792
52-week (high/low) (KRW) 66,300 / 40,300
Market cap. (KRW in millions) 4,509,157
No. of shares issued 73,799,619
Dividend yield ratio (%) 5.24
Credit rating AA- (NICE)

* 2024.07.26 16:00

Stock chart

(unit : KRW)

Summarized financial statements

(unit : million KRW, %)

Summarized financial statements
Classification FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Sales 3,664,260 3,856,133 3,966,520
% change 13.2 5.2 2.9
Gross profit 2,388,938 2,486,492 2,571,480
% change 8.9 4.1 3.4
SG&A 1,748,719 1,809,113 1,840,225
% change 10.2 3.5 1.7
Operating profit 640,219 677,379 731,255
% change 5.6 5.8 8.0
Net profit 485,486 457,796 471,011
% change 20.0 (5.7) 2.9
Earnings per share 6,418 6,314 6,495
% change 14.9 (1.6) 2.9
Dividend per share 1,250 1,300 1,350
% change 4.2 4.0 3.8
Assets 3,800,628 4,365,075 4,850,966
Liabilities 1,896,190 2,053,106 2,213,211
Equity 1,904,438 2,311,969 2,637,755

Financial ratios

(Unit: %, multiples)

Financial ratios
Item FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
EV / EBITDA 5 3.9 3.8
PER 11.8 9 9
ROA 13.6 11.2 10.2
ROE 27.4 21.7 19
ROIC 21.3 17.8 18
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